
Angel Island, California
This monument commemorates the Chinese immigrants and their experiences as they came through the Angel Island Immigration Station. It reads: "Leaving their homes and villages, they crossed the ocean only to endure confinement in these barracks. Conquering frontiers and barriers, they pioneered a new life by the Golden Gate."
Angel Island State Park, California
New York, NY
Nonprofit museum in NYC that exhibits Chinese American history, with rotating exhibitions and a focus on a holistic, diverse view of Chinese Americans, including art, history, culture, oral/photo histories, and more. Recently moved to new, larger space in 2009. 
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San Francisco, California
Chronicles the complex history of the Chinese in America, from early days of trade to the history of Chinese immigration, including the Chinese Exclusion Act.
Angel Island Immigration StationAngel Island Immigration Station B&WImmigrants arriving at Angel IslandImmigrants at Angel Island
Tiburon, California
Located in San Francisco Bay, this memorial was originally an immigration detention facility in the first half of the 20th century. The facility mainly detained Asian immigrants, including Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and Filipino immigrants. 
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Cleveland, Ohio
This is a garden dedicated in 1985 to Chinese immigrants that settled in Cleveland during the early 1920s. The Garden was a gift from the city of Taipei and was modeled after the Chinese Imperial Palace.