Irish Hunger Memorial
The Irish Hunger Memorial is a public work of art and was created to remember the Great Irish Famine and the Irish immigrants who were forced to move to the United States. It is a park / grassy area on a corner in New York City containing stone structures and a replica of a stone Irish cottage.
North End Ave & Vesey St, New York, NY 10280
The Slack Family
Group Acknowledged:
Irish immigrants
Historical Subject:
The Irish Hunger Memorial raises awareness about the Great Irish Famine that occurred between 1845 and 1849. This famine caused an influx of Irish immigrants into the United States, many of whom settled in New York City.
Physical Aspects:
The Irish Hunger Memorial is a grassy area/park containing a replica of an authentic Irish cottage made from stones, soil, and vegetation from Ireland. It also contains walls and pathways made of stone.
Date of Dedication:
July 16, 2002
Place Location: