The German School of Guatemala
En este lugar funciono el Colegio Aleman de Quetzaltenango, desde su fundación en 1928 hasta su clausura en 1941. En el año del centenario del Colegio Aleman de Guatemala Rendimos homenaje a sus fundadores, directores, maestros y exalumnos. Asociacion de Educacion y Cultura “Alejandro von Humboldt” Colegio Aleman de Guatemala Quetzaltenango, 25 de agosto de 2001 English translation: In this building was the German School of Quetzaltenango, from its foundation in 1928 until its closure in 1941. In the year of the 100th anniversary of the German School of Guatemala We pay homage to its founders, directors, teachers and alumni. Association of Education and Culture "Alejandro von Humboldt" German School of Guatemala Quetzaltenango, August 25, 2001